A Musselburgh teenager is taking on a skydive challenge to raise funds for a charity which helped her beloved grandmother after she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Shakira Law, 18, who described her nana, Morag Law, from Prestonpans, as her “rock”, will donate the money she gets to Macmillan Cancer Support.

She has set up a GoFundMe page in a bid to raise £500 for the charity with her feat at Skydive St Andrews on July 29.

Shakira, who works at Costa Coffee in Musselburgh, said: “For years our gran has been our rock, taking us daily whilst our mum works and always being our person to call in a crisis.

“In the midst of looking for a holiday, she hit us with the news she was getting a lump checked. For fear of telling us, she had delayed getting checked until birthdays had passed.

“Then we got the news ‘breast cancer’ – a large mass taking almost half the tissue. So a lumpectomy wasn’t an option and mastectomy it was. Due to her age, prior heart attacks and ill health, this came as a massive concern to my gran.

“A few appointments later and told the risk of surgery outweighed the risk of leaving the cancer to progress, surgery day came, and she was an absolute trooper.

“When we got the call to go see her, we braced ourselves and went straight up but there she sat smiling, having her tea and toast. Never did she let us panic or fuss, as that was her main worry – us, not herself and what she was having to go through.”

Shakira said that, following a check-up after the surgery, her 78-year-old nana then had to return for surgery to get lymph nodes removed from her armpit.

She said: “This surgery was more invasive and more risky and longer – the reason they never took them all in the first place. Now, we faced having to do this surgery minus the reassurance of her being fit for it.

“On going down to surgery, she was even told by the anaesthetist twice that there was a very real risk of death, which put the fear into her and me, as I wasn’t even there and on holiday.

“Again, she trooped it, and although recovery was longer and pain was definitely ramped up with two healing scars, she didn’t let that dampen her spirit.

“In the space of months, we had a diagnosis, two surgeries and a course of treatment plus lifelong medication.

“We are still awaiting her next scan for the all-clear and she still continues on her treatment.”

Shakira said: “I chose Macmillan Cancer Support as a lot of cancer help has restrictions on age or course of treatment but Macmillan helped us sort out any money worries, called to check on her regularly and gave her a safe space to have her feelings, plus assisting with new clothing and comforts for during and post surgery.”

She added: “My nana faced this whole journey so brave and resilient so I’ve decided to give something back and also try to be as brave by doing this skydive.

“So on behalf of my nana and all those that have suffered, and those that are still fighting, I am doing this for you.”

To donate, go to gofundme.com/f/szxumt-help-fight-can cer